SamPOS Express

Supplier Interface

Franchise Version

Reseller Promotion

For the larger franchise operations requiring franchisees to forward detailed sales information to Head Office, SamPOS Express now has 'forwarding sales to Head Office' built in. The 'Head Office' copy of SamPOS Express is PERFECTLY suited for powerful trend and comparison analysis between various Franchisee operations. Charts and graphs trending performance between operators is a powerful addition to the usual range of standard reports.

This particular feature has almost a year of solid operation under it's belt; we are proud of how simple, robust and flexible the entire system is. Things like missed days or receiving data out of order from franchisees are all handled with no fuss at all. There is also great flexibility in how to move the information from the Franchisee to Head Office. This system is designed to serve you and not the other way around.

Check with your dealer or to locate one contact us at to discover how amazingly little an extremely efficient and powerful system will actually cost. We work very closely with all of our resellers so expertise, support and a strong understanding of business processes is always on tap.

A representaive flow diagram. . .



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